Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I see MY true colors

Image may contain: drawing

Thought for today:
Hey, Good morning good people...
Now, this pic will preach a message... I share this pic because I hear so many people's hurts and frustrations day in and day out. Many people are so unaware of the fact that what they say in everyday banality is so telling about their experiences and their lens on the world.
I chose this pic because I hear the frustration, see, and yes, even lived of the damage of the act of people pleasing....the "I gave my best" but let me tell you what I have learned when I took the time to step back to heal.
First, I learned that people are not their behaviors; we all go through things that shape our experiences; things that either clear our lens or narrows it. Just know that you can't see the big picture through the squint of distrust and suspicion.

Second, I learned that if I ever find myself pleading my case to anyone, with the words "remember that time" or "I did thus and so for you" and I gave my best" those words tell me that I did it for the wrong reasons; I had a motive and an agenda. Those words tell me that I set someone up to take a test that they didn't know they were taking and their outcome is going to be a fail because they didn't know that my expectation was hanging on it.

Third, I learned to believe people when the show me who they are....and to allow them to be that way knowing that every plant is not meant to be in my garden and that certain plants cannot be paired.

That being said... I have nothing to give but me - raw and unfiltered and I am constantly asking am I the best me that I can ...think about it ~ KB

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