Tuesday, March 17, 2020


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If it’s Tuesday KB must be “on one”…yup!!! No diggity, no doubt. I dunno…I got in the habit of speaking real on Tuesday’s because I used to work for an agency that had meetings all day Tuesday and it was like being in a WWE death match. Everyone’s job insecurities came out and they would tear into people at the table in the most passive aggressive ways.
I consistently told people that I am not going to get in front of the designated “emperor” and be a gladiator for entertainment; for what? Self- aggrandizement?!! I chose to stand on the virtue of who I am …period-t!
All of which brings me to my point, a few years back there was all this hoopla about a concert featuring a hologram Tupac... with people either loving or hating it. As I sit here today just marinating on some scripture, it dawned on me that many people are living hologram lives…
We have created a narcissistic society that has phrases like “IG model” and living for “likes.” We’re living programmed lives based on other people’s perceptions or our own beliefs of what we “should” gleaned from negative messages from people that we NEED to validate us; lives that are just as fake as a Hollywood backlot.
Am I flashing on a passage in Exodus which speaks of false gods and graven images… oh, surely you haven’t forgotten the 10 commandments?!! Not the Charlton Heston pic…although that’s about as real as some of our lives…
Don’t get me wrong, I have had my days living a persona…..but it got old and it got expensive and it was very hard to maintain….believe it or not maintenance on “false” is expensive.

What I’m getting to is who does God say you are?
God thinks you’re worth fighting for – Exodus 14:14
God thinks you are His masterpiece – Ephesians 2:10; Psalm 139:14
God thinks you’re capable and an overcomer – Romans 8:37
God thinks you are perfect just the way you are; flaw, faults, frailties and all – Jeremiah 31:3; Colossians 2:10
God thinks you are delightful – Zephaniah 3:17

The first syllable in hologram is “holo” – hollow ….Stop frontin’ ain’t no future in it…. Man’s accolades and titles have no sustainability we’re always off to the new, latest and greatest. Transcend time with the “I AM” ~ KB

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