Sunday, December 15, 2019

Mood Swings? December 12, 2019

Romans 12:12 New International Version (NIV)
12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

How can we keep our circumstances from determining our mood? How can we emancipate ourselves from the limitations that life deals us? The last in the trio of commandments opens the door for the other two to be true — we can rejoice in hope and we can be patient in affliction because we have been faithful in prayer. No matter what our situation is, we can pray with joy because of our hope in Christ no matter what our current situation is. We can remain patient, persevering through affliction, by presenting our requests and intercessions to God with thanksgiving. Prayer is God's gift to us so that we can be patient and joyful, even when things don't appear to be going well.

Thought for today: Is my joy dependent upon my circumstances: only receiving the good?

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