Friday, February 22, 2019

Gracious Patience

I posted something this morning with the words “gracious patience” and that phrase has been dancing around in my soul for a little over two hours because it just resonated with me.

We all know what the words mean individually but they really pack a punch when you place them together. I began to look at and dissect scripture that indicated the nature of graciousness. In James 4:6 grace was affiliated with humility in that pride will limit your ability to give and receive grace. Ephesians 2:8 stated that grace is a gift from God by way of faith; you cannot earn it, it is given through your demonstration. Now, here is where it gets a bit confusing to people, the whole faith and works argument; God gives grace as God sees fit. People, believers, often struggle with levels of judgment, analyzing who is deserving of grace (it’s between the recipient and God) anyone with a judgment needs to refer back to the passage in James.

The word patience involves waiting. The first passage that immediately came to mind was Psalm 46:10 be still and KNOW that I am God. I began to think about how I, in times of trial and stress, immediately become what I like to call “proactive” when I am in reality an activist with an unknown cause and my discomfort causes me to seek advice and advocates. I fail to realize that my (dis) ease is a result of the disease called sin, poor choices, lack of insight, poor impulse control, karma….whatever you want to call it and sometime I just have to accept that I am just flat out under attack; spiritual warfare is very reaI; but, at any rate I have to look at what part I played in it and how I can do better. The second passage of scripture that came to mind was Isaiah 40:31….they that wait upon the Lord… I don’t know about you but waiting is one of the most difficult things that I ever have to do. I like things tied up or in progress where I have the illusion of control or when I can manifest a timeline for completion…..

For as crazy as things get, I know that my soul has been anchored and it is in these times that I can feel the power of my faith.

What's your source?

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