Tuesday, September 4, 2018

God’s Wonders September 4, 2018

Psalm 92:4 New International Version (NIV)
4 For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord;
    I sing for joy at what your hands have done.

Gaze into the heavens on a dark night and see the wonders of the starry hosts. Think of the incredible diversity of earth's wonders. Look at your own life and see the fingerprints of God's work in your own experience (Rom. 8:28). As Jesus said, our Father is working still (John 5:17). Yes, it does make us glad to know that we are not alone in working our own life (Psalm 139; Phil. 2:13). There is a deep-seated joy at knowing that the LORD, Creator of the universe is at work in us and for us. No wonder singing praise is such a natural response for us!

Thought for today: Do I rejoice or complain when I know God is working on/with me?

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