Friday, January 20, 2017

A Parable January 20, 2017

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight

Life had not gone well for 58-year-old James Roberts.

* Years before, Roberts had been arrested for a crime. He had done his time and had been released.

* That was over ten years ago, and since that time Roberts had been unable to find employment.

Now, because of an organization called America Works, he had been given a job interview at a company near LaGuardia. It was his big chance and, thinking his luck might have changed, Roberts used a free roundtrip bus pass to get him to the New York airport.

Well, Roberts luck hadn't changed ... at least not that much.

He found out that the place where he was to interview was miles away from the airport and he had neither the means nor wherewithal to get to his one o'clock appointment. It was then, as he was bemoaning his fate, a police officer came up to him. You should know, if you have done jail time, the appearance of an officer is usually not a good thing.

The officer asked Roberts, "What's wrong?" Roberts explained his situation and how it looked like he was going to miss an interview for a possible job. Having heard the man's situation, the officer said four words, "Get in the car." Roberts did as he was told and soon found himself standing in front of the business where he was to be interviewed. He had time to spare.

As the officer drove away, the last thing he said was "Good luck and God bless you."

That story, which happened earlier this month, could easily be used as a parable. We, of course, would be cast in the role of James Roberts. Like him, we had committed crimes. Unlike him, we were unable to pay for those crimes. But there are other similarities between the story of James Roberts and all of us. Like Roberts we were unable to do anything to change our sad situation.

Try as we might, things never worked out right. Until ... until our Savior, like that policeman, showed up. Like the officer, Jesus saw we were in trouble, and like that officer, Jesus decided to help. When we put our faith and confidence in our Redeemer, He forgives our sins and delivers us to the right destination.

Of course, there is one giant difference between the policeman and the Christ. While the officer put himself out for Roberts, it didn't cost him much more than a bit of time. In contrast, for Jesus to get us to heaven, He had to commit His entire life to that purpose. It is for that commitment to our salvation that we -- like James Roberts -- ought to be most thankful.

Thought for today: how committed to what I believe?

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