Sunday, January 18, 2015

January 18, 2016

Good Morning and Welcome
I'd like to take the time to extend a person welcome and thank you to all of you who signed up to receive daily messages;  I'm starting with ten and I'm praying for God to cause an increase so, please feel free to tell a friend to sign up. I made it easy by including a spot to submit the email address.

I want to take this very first post to extend a special thank you to Tiffany G. for encouraging me to start writing again; because of you I rediscovered a passion that I allowed to lie dormant for about 8 years. I can't say thank you enough, you've done more for me than the sentiment behind a simply stated thank you could ever convey.

If we're "unbecoming" let it be because we are becoming who God says we are!

Psalm 139:14 where God says, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made." God tells me in Psalm 17, "I am the apple of His eye." In Deuteronomy 7:6, God tells me that I am "His treasured possession."  In Philippians 4:8,God tells me to think about whatever is "true, noble, right, pure, and lovely."  I like to think about the truth that God tells me and spend my time thinking about what God says is true. 

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