Monday, May 4, 2020

If I have not love....

Image may contain: 1 person, text   Image may contain: possible text that says 'Faults are thick where love is thin.'  Image may contain: possible text that says 'It's not love that you're afraid of. It's the fear that everyone else is just like the last person who destroyed you.'  Image may contain: possible text that says 'I love you neither with my heart Nor with my mind. My heart might stop My mind can forget. I love you with my soul because My soul never stops Or forgets. Rumi'
Image may contain: text  Image may contain: text
Image may contain: text

Thought for today:
Good morning beautiful kings and queens,

Let me begin by asking the question, have you ever read something that causes a light to go on in your head and heart and you're immediately flooded with both insight and emotion? I had one of those moments this morning.

The word love means so much to me....there's the seminary words in Greek eros, phileo, agape, storge which I have studied and have a rudimentary working knowledge of; I say rudimentary because the definition is ever evolving.....then there's my life experiences with the word and how I physically act on my knowledge and understanding of the word.

My "a ha!!" moment today was in reading a few memes and then looking at one of my favorite passages of scripture 1 Corinthians 13 and the deep conviction that we as a people have really gotten away from the core of this message - hence my many memes.

We have accepted the generic , low quality, knock off imitation essence of love. I say essence because we've grown very very comfortable with less than. We've gotten too familiar sharing our spirits with the things that devalue it and it's because we do not know the value of it....
in 1 Corinthians the words that stand out for me are an admonishment of how we're living "IF I HAVE NOT LOVE"

I had the Boondock's pause" Am I living in vain? What am I accepting and giving as love? Am I adhering to God's standard? What enhances or defiles my temple?

Don't be afraid of these question because it's never too late to change your answers ~ KB

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