Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cognitive Dissonance

Image may contain: possible text that says 'To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength. -Criss Jami POSITIVEATMUSPHERE.COM'

Thought for today :
Good morning beautiful people,

I saw this quote and I just knew I had to share it. Why? you ask.
I'm sharing it because I am thinking about how many people are living in fear because they're living out someone else's expectations or projected pain...both provide trauma for the person trying to live.
I feel for the folks who spend their lives unfulfilled. I say unfulfilled because they're the living conduit for someone's else's dream or the societal "this is how it should be".

What if I told you that living this way is definitely not's a path to cognitive dissonance; a mental flagellation that steals the essence of joy. Oh! you can and will have moments of happiness but NEVER joy... What's the difference, you ask...happiness is dependent upon situations and comes from within and I dare say it is conjoined with the soul... How does what I'm saying relate to the quote? Well I'm glad you asked...

I just want to say...until you spend some time with you, healing and doing self work, not that superficial surface clean when unexpected company shows up but that Marie Kondo clean where you examine and test the source of your joy cleaning, you will continue to engage in unhealthy patterns and cycles of behavior. Until you make a commitment to to work by the second, minute, hour and day fighting for you healing, awareness and actualization you will remain a perpetual crash test dummy for more trauma. Trusting untrustworthy people to cover your vulnerabilities knowing full well that they see an opportunity to exploit them (cognitive dissonance)

Y'all know I used to work with a crew of DJ's back in the day and I live and love my music....
Today I challenge you to enhance the soundtrack of your life by adding two songs : 1st You Got to Live and Learn 2nd Praying and Believing ~ KB

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