Monday, April 27, 2020

The practice of people pleasing

Image may contain: one or more people and text  Image may contain: possible text that says 'I learned soon enough that God called us to be people-lovers not people-pleasers. We can have the power to love people without becoming slave to their opinions and behaviors. Boundaries are your responsibility. At some point us people-pleasers must set the tone for how we should be 2 and the direction in which WE are called. -Brittney Moses'
Image may contain: possible text that says 'If you never heal from what hurt you, then you'll bleed on people who did not cut you.'  Image may contain: possible text that says 'Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side because it's fake.'
Image may contain: text

Thought for today:
Good morning kings and queens,
I start this Monday off deep in thought....

I saw the pic about the greener grass and began to think about how many of us act in cursory and scripted behavior patterns that are rooted in trauma rather than altruism. I then thought about how these patterns of behavior NEVER lead to joy and happiness and how they rob us of the beauty and the purity of/in love.

Our scripted behaviors make us caricatures and automatons living out the plans of others. Our scripted behaviors convince us that we're real when we're actually acting out a fear response that continue to batter our souls and steals our authenticity. Our scripted behaviors redirect our focus from our healing by creating diversionary "emergencies" that are actually visits to "trauma fires"

Begin your healing process by looking to who God says you are rather than what people say and manipulate you into believing. Begin your healing by taking a journey into your soul...with the belief that you are wonderfully made Psalm 139:14. Begin your healing knowing that God made you in love and that you are unique and that your uniqueness has a place in this world.

Truth is that you don't have to hide or be ashamed of anything that makes you, YOU!!!! 


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