Friday, March 13, 2020

I will trust

Image may contain: 1 person, possible text that says '"Health is not just about what you re eating. It's also about what you re thinking and saying."'

Thought for today:
Good Morning kings and queens,
Let the church say amen on this pic....for real and fo' sho!!!
I have to say this week has been one helluva ride. I make it a practice to show kindness and understanding to others because I know we have all been through some things and we will continue to go through some things; I know that sometimes it just takes someone listening and the medicine of empathy to help others get through.

Y'all this covid-19 hype has a lot of people in a panic and running scared with no destination in mind. Please allow me to share some facts and thoughts on the matter:
FACTS: The reality of this virus is many of us have already been exposed to it or will most likely be exposed to it. Many of us will show no symptoms or have mild symptoms. What we need to do is protect the people who are most vulnerable - the elderly and the medically frail. People with compromised immune systems and people with chronic respiratory issues.

I work at UCSF and I receive regular updates.

THOUGHTS: By now, with my many shares, you know I am a person of faith...I know God is a God or order I'm posing the question from Luke 12:25-31. I am presenting the conviction of Isaiah 12:2; Psalm 62:8 and Proverbs 3:5-6. I am giving instruction and support as demonstrated in James 5:13-15
be blessed kings and queens and be good to one another...

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