Monday, December 30, 2019

My Circle December 30, 2019

Nehemiah 12:30 New International Version (NIV)
30 When the priests and Levites had purified themselves ceremonially, they purified the people, the gates and the wall.

God has placed each of us in a circle of influence. Before we try to "clean up" those around us, let's first offer ourselves to God to be consecrated and to be made pure by his grace. Then, let's live in a way that shows the impact of that holiness in our lives. Jesus told us to remove the plank from our own eye before we try to clean the speck out of someone else's eye. For leaders at any level, "living holy" is essential before calling others to holiness! God's greatest times of spiritual renewal begin when leaders first consecrate themselves to God and his work.

Thought for today: Am I in the habit of casting judgment and projecting blame?

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