Friday, February 22, 2019

Living Waters

Oh I feel like preaching.....let's have church y'all. My Pastor, teacher, mentor once told me "we preach out of our experiences." Yes, we do!!!!!
Let me tell you….there is just something about being around the people who love God and having a high energy conversation when you know that your spirit is off.
My inner circle is comprised of people of all walks of faith but my “go to” folks are people in different ministerial capacities. I like to engage in what I call “rabbinical conversation” you know when rabbis get together they discuss their interpretation of the scriptures. Well, yesterday was my turn to engage. A sister and I were talking about the “but God said…” moments in our lives and I began the discussion on the leading of the Holy Spirit and how it compels us to do and seek the will of God. John 16:12-14 “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth … He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.” We went on and on about that for a while then the topic shifted to Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.
I tell you I began to really examine and dissect this passage and it down to this, have you ever been so deeply impacted by something that you could not find the words to express the magnitude of the thing? Like when you were a kid and you cried; your mother could tell the difference between a “normal” no big deal cry and a cry of distress and she would respond accordingly. The Holy Spirit does the same for us. The Holy Spirit interprets the things that impact our souls and our righteousness because we have a tendency to minimize and “deal with” things. We have a tendency of telling others before we tell God! We listen to the advice of others rather than seeking the word and comfort of God! We complain about it or have pity parties magnifying the thing before we magnify our prayer! When we do this we interfere with God’s presence and promise….it’s kind of like being so out of it that you fight with paramedics who are there to render aid.
The Holy Spirit tells God all about our distress cries that’s behind our “brave face and I’m ok’s” the thing that we don’t allow the world to see for fear of further exploitation or pain… so, why do we so freely share it without thinking about what could result from it; without considering the fact that someone could exploit our vulnerabilities? WE WANT RELIEF! Pure and simple we want the hurt to go away. The Holy Spirit takes that pain and translates it; so we do not walk in the nature of or desires (give in to fixes of the flesh)
I tell you by the time we finished talking I had that sister speaking in tongues and I was praising God like I’d lost all ability to reason….
When is the last time you had a good water cooler conversation?….I had a living water cooler conversation ; )

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