Saturday, December 29, 2018

Unwelcomed December 29, 2018

John 1:11 New International Version (NIV)
11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him.

Jesus came to his own things — the world he had created and the land he had promised his people — and his very own people didn't receive him. Sometimes we are blinded by our desires and dreams for Jesus and we really miss what he wants for us and from us. Let's not let the following be true in our lives. "Jesus came to me, but I wasn't ready to receive him. I had other things I wanted to do and other things I wanted to experience before I fully surrendered my heart to him." Each time we put off surrendering our will to Jesus, each time we push him away as Lord, we allow our hearts to harden and it becomes easier and easier to push him away. Now, while our hearts are still attentive to his grace, let's renew our commitment to him afresh and completely offer him hearts and lives for his glory and grace.

Thought for today:  Am I open to receiving the gospel?

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