Monday, November 26, 2018

My Light November 25, 2018

Psalm 27:1 New International Version (NIV)
1 The Lord is my light and my salvation—
    whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
    of whom shall I be afraid?

I love the coast of Maine. The craggy shorelines, the crashing surf, and the lighthouses perched at strategic and well-fortified points along the coastline. I cannot help but think of our heavenly Father when I watch the gloom gather as an impending storm noisily makes its way on shore. There in the storm — with lightning ripping through the sky, winds howling, and the surf crashing — stands the light that guides the way, strong against the elements and a beacon of direction and hope. Yes, the LORD, Yahweh the God of Israel, the Almighty Creator of all things, is my light and my salvation. My life, the eternal part of me, is entrusted with him. I choose not to fear. I place my trust in him.

Thought for today: Is my path clearly visible to me ?

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