Friday, June 15, 2018

God’s Will June 15, 2018

James 4:15  (NIV)
15 Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.”
While I like to have choices, and I like to be responsible for my own decisions, I am truly thankful that God allows me to submit my life to his will and place my trust in him. The Father is at work in me to do his will (Phil. 2:13) and to work for my best good (Rom. 8:28). I gladly acknowledge that my plans are subject to his will. I am appreciative that my goals and successes are in his hands. I gladly proclaim that what lies ahead for me can be summarized by one phrase: "If the Lord wills!"

Thought for today: How do I know I am in the will of God?

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