Monday, January 16, 2017

Jesus Makes The Difference January 16, 2017

1 Corinthians 1:23-25 (NIV)
23 but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24 but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.

There have been countless TV specials and movies made about the Titanic.

In most of these presentations, no expense is spared to make sure the recreation is accurate and matches the original. Carpets match. Woodworkings are precise. But all too often, the storytellers forget to share the spiritual side of what happened on that ship. If you look closely, you will see the story of the Savior told again and again, in the lives of those who were there.

One after another, time after time, Christian men, motivated by the love of Jesus, looked their wives in the eye and said, "I love you." Then they put their wives into a lifeboat. They knew they would never see their spouse again -- not in this world.

One after another, time after time, fathers, Christian men, motivated by the love of Jesus, patted their children's heads in blessings and with a prayer, sent their little ones to be rescued, while they prepared to die.

Motivated by Jesus on the Titanic, nine women were saved for every man.

And without Jesus?

In 1996, a boat carrying thousands of passengers sank off the shores of Indonesia. As in the Titanic, hundreds died. As in the Titanic, there were not enough lifeboats. But without faith in Christ, without this example of care and compassion, women and children were pushed aside so the men could be spared.

There is a difference, and Jesus makes that difference. More than that, it's a difference I'm proud of.

In this world there are many religions, many atheistic and agnostic groups, many doubters who would silence Jesus and make fun of His followers. They would stuff the risen Redeemer back into His tomb and try to erase His memory and accomplishments. They laugh at us; they torment us; they persecute us.

Still, what do they offer that is better than the Savior?

When the English conquered Mount Everest they planted their flag at the summit.
One mountaineer from another country challenged, "Well, isn't this just one of many typical English glory ventures?"

Hearing the criticism, the British ambassador replied, "I'm not qualified to give an official opinion, but I can say this: if you don't like the flag flying up there, why not climb up and take it down?"

To the world that would silence Jesus and the salvation He gives to His appreciative followers, I can only say this: if you don't like the flag of Jesus flying at the top of our lives, why don't you go where He went and give us something better to believe in? Why don't you live a perfect life for me, carry my sins for me, climb up on the cross for me, and take His place?

Until you do that, everything you've got to say is foolishness.

Thought for today: Do I acknowledge the sacrifice of the cross?

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