Monday, April 4, 2016

Nourishment in 30 minutes April 4, 2016

Psalm 119:11
11 I have hidden your word in my heart
    that I might not sin against you.

3 steps to review to obtain a healthy spiritual walk…

Taking in God's Word, talking to Him in prayer, and spending a few extra minutes turning the truth over in your mind with plans to obey.

One of the best ways to put this plan into action is to set aside 30 extra minutes per day—just 30 minutes—for at least this next week. Divide those 30 minutes into 10-minute segments.
For the first 10 minutes, begin a book of the Bible—you may choose Proverbs or perhaps Philippians or maybe the gospel of John. Read slowly and thoughtfully for 10 minutes.
Next, pray—for 10 minutes. Mention those members of your family by name. Remember a few of your closest friends. Pray for your church, your pastor . . . our nation and its leaders. Unburden your soul. Release your anxieties, all those nagging worries.

Finally, sit quietly for the final 10 minutes and think. You may want to begin keeping a journal, where you record in your own handwriting what the Lord is showing you.

Do that each day for at least one week and see how nourishing it becomes. If you find it helpful, keep it up. And by the way, before you think, "30 minutes a day is too long a time," think how long you spend nourishing your body on a daily basis. Then remind yourself of the principle: "optimal health requires optimal nutrition."

The secret lies in keeping a balance, nourishing your soul as well as your body.

Thought for today: What does my routine entail?

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