Thursday, March 10, 2016

Compassion in Action March 10, 2016

Nehemiah 5:1-12     Some men and their wives cried out against their Jewish brothers and sisters. 2 Some of them were saying, “There are now many of us. We have many sons and daughters. We have to get some grain so we can eat and stay alive.”
3 Others were saying, “We’re being forced to sell our fields, vineyards and homes. We have to do it to buy grain. There isn’t enough food for everyone.”
4 Still others were saying, “We’ve had to borrow money. We needed it to pay the king’s tax on our fields and vineyards. 5 We belong to the same family lines as the rest of our people. Our children are as good as theirs. But we’ve had to sell them off as slaves. Some of our daughters have already been made slaves. But we can’t do anything about it. That’s because our fields and vineyards now belong to others.”
6 I heard them when they cried out. And I was very angry when I heard what they were saying. 7 I thought it over for a while. Then I accused the nobles and officials of breaking the law. I told them, “You are charging your own people interest!” So I called together a large group of people to handle the matter. 8 I said, “Our Jewish brothers and sisters were sold to other nations. We’ve done everything we could to buy them back and bring them home. But look at what you are doing! You are actually selling your own people! Now we’ll have to buy them back too!” The people kept quiet. They couldn’t think of anything to say.
9 So I continued, “What you are doing isn’t right. Shouldn’t you show respect for our God? Shouldn’t you live in a way that will keep our enemies from saying bad things about us? 10 I’m lending the people money and grain. So are my relatives and my men. But we must stop charging interest! 11 Give the people’s fields back to them. Give them back their vineyards, olive groves and houses. Do it right away. Give everything back to them. Also give them back the one percent on the money, grain, fresh wine and olive oil you have charged them.”
12 “We’ll give it back,” they said. “And we won’t require anything more from them. We’ll do exactly as you say.”
Then I sent for the priests. I made the nobles and officials promise to do what they had said.

James 2:17 (NRSV)     Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.

Nehemiah showed leadership not only by empathizing but also by doing something to improve the situation. He didn’t just feel the pain of others; he was moved to help them. As God’s servants we too are called to respond with mercy and to put God’s love into action.

Thought for today: Can I act on the word after I hear it?

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