Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year January 1, 2016

Happy New Year folks  !!!

2016 is upon us; I personally am stopping to thank the Lord for life and health for another tomorrow. 2015 presented some major trials and challenges for me….but as the word says… 2 Timothy 1:7     For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. I didn’t achieve all the goal that I set for myself but I don’t consider that a loss…I know I did better than I had the year before so I celebrate that victory.

As we go forward, I want to challenge you to help build the email/blog chain by sharing a friends email address or having them contact me so I can sign them up so we can support and teach each other on this faith walk/recovery journey.

Please note that I’ve change the format this year – not a lot of reading but more questions for personal development …..

I am wishing you all of God’s blessing and lessons for 2016

Pax Christi


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