Monday, March 2, 2015

The Blame Game BY: KB 3.2.15

Today I want to shine the light on all the people who can't hear the truth about themselves...we all know them; the folks that say "You ain't talking to me or about me" knowing full well that you've struck a blow to their fragile facade and over-inflated ego. I know them because I used to be one...but as I've heard over and over again in my life until I finally HEARD it....If three of four people, who don't have anything in common, tell you the same thing, you have to look at it because you're the only common denominator.

The inability to look at oneself and the act of blaming others allows an escape mechanism, like an ejection seat that avoids the consequences (crash = suffering) by bailing out. However, this is not as effective as most people think. People tend to believe they can absolve themselves of guilt by escaping only puts it off until later, while in the meantime it grows and spreads out of control, and continues to gnaw away at their conscience. So this defense mechanism only makes matters worse. "Blame Shifting" can be illustrated by visualizing an old fashioned scale. As one side of the scale becomes increasingly loaded with the weight of guilt, the guilt ridden person just shifts the guilt to the other side of the scale. And we all do this by blaming others.

        There are many  problems associated with this way of thinking, the act of blaming others instead of taking the responsibility for one's own actions flies in the face of the Gospel. It is unjust and serves only to increase the guilt and the problems we incur with others in our relationships. This becomes a pattern of dysfunctional behavior that is an endless loop of a hopeless cycle.
For me, everything goes back to the Gospel....what does God say?

 "So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way." (Romans 14:12-13)  

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