Monday, March 2, 2015

Faith walk - FOR REAL?! By: KB 3.2.15

You know what's sad to me....and I can only imagine how God views it and me prior to ...

I've come to myself and I start talking about God and the gospel and now all of a sudden I have to start having conversations questioning my beliefs, my sanity and the authenticity of what I'm saying...Why is it easier for people to think that you've lost your mind rather that believe God is real? Yet they'll holler OH God! or pray like they've been canonized when they're in trouble?

I'm asking myself was I that far away from God or did I just not think about my theology and I made friends with all walks of life?

I do know that my circle would have been a lot different if I had not stepped out of the parameters of "church" and figured this faith walk out for myself

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