Monday, March 23, 2015

Carnal and Christ? - BY: KB © 3.23.15

Some mornings, when reading my devotionals, Oswald Chambers – My Utmost for His Highest readings tear me up. I mean they literally shred me to the point where all I can do is shake my head in disbelief and today is no different.

Check it out :  Where there are envy, strife, and divisions among you, are you not carnal…? —1 Corinthians 3:3

The natural man, or unbeliever, knows nothing about carnality. The desires of the flesh warring against the Spirit, and the Spirit warring against the flesh, which began at rebirth, are what produce carnality and the awareness of it. But Paul said, “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16). In other words, carnality will disappear.
Are you quarrelsome and easily upset over small things? Do you think that no one who is a Christian is ever like that? Paul said they are, and he connected these attitudes with carnality. Is there a truth in the Bible that instantly awakens a spirit of malice or resentment in you? If so, that is proof that you are still carnal. If the process of sanctification is continuing in your life, there will be no trace of that kind of spirit remaining.
If the Spirit of God detects anything in you that is wrong, He doesn't ask you to make it right; He only asks you to accept the light of truth, and then He will make it right.

I was talking to a friend yesterday about this very thing. She’d asked me about a situation that I’d shared and my response was that I had to look at me in the situation. I cannot point the finger at anyone for something wrong in my life because  I made choices that got me to the point of the insanity.  I CANNOT CLAIM CHRIST AND CONTINUE TO EMBRACE CHAOS!!! The other thing that I pointed out was that I cannot expect everyone to understand what I’m talking about because they are not in the same place spiritually…I tell you that’s a hard lesson…bottom line is you can’t expect everyone to respect your space or your process.

Am I tired? – yup! Am I weary? – Yup!, At times do I feel like just quitting? – Absolutely!!! Can or will I?…nope!!!! I have been blessed far more than I have been depressed…and I know that my experience just may something that somebody might just need to see or hear

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