Saturday, February 28, 2015

100% Transparent - The Maturation of KB BY: KB 2.28.15

Man oh man, what can I was a very interesting week and I thank God for the days and the lessons. When I say lessons...I mean lessons...I've had some hard ones this week.

I made a conscious decision to no longer live like "a cat in a litter box" working hard at scratching to cover up my "business." During my Spiritual  awakening process, I made a vow to be total transparent, totally honest and to confess on a regular basis and today is no different. I've had  a situation early in the week that had me swearing like a drunken NY Longshoreman; I prefer to think of it as my Apostle Peter temperament but I was swearing none the less. The hardest lesson I had this week was a result of my own doings.  I'm not assigning blame to anyone or anything because there was no malice intended the situation just created a really funky dynamic.

You ever get into something and although there was no malice or no wrongdoing it just vexes the spirit? I'm asking myself "what just happened?"
Y'all know what happens when I get something stirring around in my head. I go to God and I write about it. I found this little itty bitty book that I bought years ago; it's by Max Lucado. I'm going to take a little poetic license to help it illustrate my lesson:

I have something against the seductive voice and actions that the world uses. You've heard the voice and you have had a visceral and physiological response to the actions. The voice tells you to trade in your integrity for a new sale. The voice wants you to negotiate your boundaries for something quick, easy and sleazy. The voice tells you that it's OK to exchange your time in devotion to some time in the streets or sheets.

The voice whispers non stop. The voice knows how to seduce you  by exploiting your vulnerability. It taunts and tantalizes, flirts and flatters. A virtual flood of moral dopamine; a constant green light.
The world uses a battering ram at your door; Jesus taps at the door. There are voices and causes that scream for your allegiance; Jesus asks softly and tenderly. The world promises you anything and everything that you ever hoped and dreamed, flashy and fleeting pleasures. Jesus' promises are quiet and personal....

Which voice do you hear?

I can tell you that this past week I heard my own voice and I need to be more mindful of what is "said"

Ephesians 4:21- 24     21 when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus.22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.


remind me that I am an heir to a divine inheritance as a result of my faithfulness and obedience to you. Help me to continue to keep the faithfulness a priority as I go throughout my day.

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